Registration for Level 2 for 2026 will open soon! Sign up for the waitlist to be notified when registration opens!

Level 2 (PCC) Pathway: Intermediate Diploma Programme

Science and Art of Coaching + Art and Alchemy of Coaching

ICF-Accredited Coaching Education Level 2

Our combined coaching education package of the Science and Art of Coaching and the Art and Alchemy of Coaching is a Level 2 ICF-accredited coaching education programme and provides a total of 159.75 ICF accredited coaching education hours and meets the coaching education requirement for those wishing to apply for their PCC credential.

Equipping You For the Future

Coaching is one of the fastest growing professions and is enabling positive change in people’s communication skills, performance, confidence and many other aspects of their behaviour and mindset.

In an environment that is increasingly complex and constantly changing, coaching is a powerful tool to help people navigate situations, tasks, challenges, goals and aspirations for greater success, fulfillment and wellbeing.

Organisations too, more than ever before, need the skills and principles of coaching in order to develop a culture that is inclusive, accountable, innovative and agile. Organisations with these qualities are better able to handle the complexity and speed of change of today’s business environment. Research clearly indicates that organisations with coaching capability and culture are more likely to be high performing, more equipped to handle change and experience better financial performance and growth than other organisations within their industry sector.

If you would like to become an ICF certified coach and achieve an Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credential, there are 5 steps to follow:

Coaching Education:

Our combined coaching education package of the Science and Art of Coaching and the Art and Alchemy of Coaching  is a a Level 2 ICF-accredited coaching education program and provides a total of 159.75 ICF accredited coaching education hours and meets the coaching education requirement for those wishing to apply for their PCC credential.

ICF-Accredited Coaching Education Level 2

Mentor Coaching:

The purpose of Mentor Coaching is primarily to deepen your understanding and demonstration of the ICF Core Competencies and therefore your skills and confidence as a practicing coach. It is also part of the ICF’s credentialing pathway, which supports and prepares coaches for their performance assessment in pursuit of the ICF credential.

Our Mentor Coaching programme (MCG) has four simple steps:

  1. Individual programme preparation (1.5 hours)
  2. Four x two-hour online Group Mentor Coaching sessions (8 hours)
  3. Three hours of 1-1 Mentor Coaching sessions (3 hours)
  4. Peer coaching sessions in-between each online session focussing on specific ICF Core Competencies as the programme progresses (6 hours)

This programme fulfils the 10 hours of coach mentoring required for your ICF credential application or PCC credential renewal.

The programme takes approximately 4-months to complete and is also accredited with 18.5 Core Competency CCEs or 10 hours of Mentor Coaching plus 8.5 Core Competency CCEs (which is an additional benefit of further CCEs for those credentialed coaches when renewing their credential).

Coaching Experience:

To be eligible for an ICF PCC credential you need to have at least 500 hours of coaching experience following the start of your coach-specific coaching education.

Performance Evaluation:

The performance evaluation process involves you submitting two recordings of you coaching regular clients who have hired you as a coach, and must last between 20- to 60-minutes, along with the corresponding transcript. This will be reviewed by Performance Evaluators.

ICF Credentialing Exam:

This is a computer-based written exam (administered by ICF Credentials and Standards) that is designed to measure your knowledge of and ability to apply the ICF definition of coaching, ICF Core Competencies and ICF Code of Ethics.

Our programmes are offered in English.

Why train with Coach Advancement?

Coach Advancement specialises in developing great coaches (both external professional coaches and internal to organisations), supporting leaders to have strong coaching skills and enabling organisations to positively inform culture, leadership, employee development and engagement through coaching. We do this by:

  • working exclusively with small groups — our purpose is not to produce hundreds of coaches, it is to develop and support great coaches! We do this by offering you a personalised service and development pathway to meet your own wants and needs.
  • cultivating a learning experience that enables deep professional growth in the discipline of coaching as well as significant personal growth as part of the process.
  • working with participants from a variety of backgrounds, countries, cultures, regions and timezones – coaching is a global profession and every human being is different. We explore how we can most effectively partner with our clients, whoever they are, wherever they are from and whatever their context, so that we can be the best coach we can be in as many different contexts as possible.
  • offering you award-winning and best-in-class tutors and mentor coaches who provide you with daily observation and feedback opportunities (of full coaching sessions) as well as daily coaching demonstrations.
  • aligning our curriculum with award-winning Tracy Sinclair’s best-selling book, Becoming a Coach: The Essential ICF Guide, which offers the only fully comprehensive coverage of the ICF Core Competency model and has been adopted by many coaching schools and universities worldwide as a core text for coaching education.
  • inviting you to be part of our active and highly supportive alumni community, where you can continue to grow and benefit from having invested in us for your learning and development, by accessing our very popular and valuable benefits package.

In order to maintain our high standards and quality of coaching education and personal service, we only run our programmes once a year (Science and Art in the Spring and Art and Alchemy in the Autumn). We hold a waitlist of those interested in joining us and we encourage you to book early to avoid disappointment!

Almost all of our participants find us through positive referrals, and so, if you’d like to know what they say, take a quick look at some of our alumni testimonials.

If this sounds like the kind of programme you’d like to be part of, get in touch. We’d love to explore it with you!

Coach Advancement specialises in developing great coaches (both external professional coaches and internal to organisations), supporting leaders to have strong coaching skills and enabling organisations to positively inform culture, leadership, employee development and engagement through coaching. We do this by:

  • working exclusively with small groups — our purpose is not to produce hundreds of coaches, it is to develop and support great coaches! We do this by offering you a personalised service and development pathway to meet your own wants and needs.
  • cultivating a learning experience that enables deep professional growth in the discipline of coaching as well as significant personal growth as part of the process.
  • working with participants from a variety of backgrounds, countries, cultures, regions and timezones – coaching is a global profession and every human being is different. We explore how we can most effectively partner with our clients, whoever they are, wherever they are from and whatever their context, so that we can be the best coach we can be in as many different contexts as possible.
  • offering you award-winning and best-in-class tutors and mentor coaches who provide you with daily observation and feedback opportunities (of full coaching sessions) as well as daily coaching demonstrations.
  • aligning our curriculum with award-winning Tracy Sinclair’s best-selling book, Becoming a Coach: The Essential ICF Guide, which offers the only fully comprehensive coverage of the ICF Core Competency model and has been adopted by many coaching schools and universities worldwide as a core text for coaching education.
  • inviting you to be part of our active and highly supportive alumni community, where you can continue to grow and benefit from having invested in us for your learning and development, by accessing our very popular and valuable benefits package.

In order to maintain our high standards and quality of coaching education and personal service, we only run our programmes twice a year (Spring and Autumn). We hold a waitlist of those interested in joining us and we encourage you to book early to avoid disappointment! We offer interest-free payment plans for programme fees if useful as well as significant discounts for early bookings.

Almost all of our participants find us through positive referrals, and so, if you’d like to know what they say, take a quick look at some of our alumni testimonials.

If this sounds like the kind of programme you’d like to be part of, get in touch. We’d love to explore it with you!

Recommended for:

Coaches looking to obtain their PCC credential.

This pathway is for those looking for advanced coaching education to obtain their PCC credential.

It is a complete programme from entry level training, through to our Diploma Level (ACC) and onto our Intermediate Diploma Level (PCC). It is recommended for coaches who want to make coaching a significant part of their work and are keen to progress toward the ICF PCC credential as soon as possible. The Diploma and Intermediate Diploma stages can be staggered and timed to suit your own development timeline. Please see more details and guidelines in our Development Timeline tab.

If you already hold an ICF ACC credential and are now looking for additional development toward your ICF PCC credential, please see our From ACC to PCC Pathway.

This programme is offered in English.

The time between starting your coach training and achieving your ICF credential can vary greatly depending upon many factors, such as: how much coaching you are doing, your budgeting preferences and your pace of development or scheduling preferences. The table below offers an approximate/minimum timeline as a guideline; however, you may want or need more flexibility. For example, you may feel ready to complete the Art and Alchemy of Coaching part of the programme soon after you have completed the Science and Art of Coaching part of the programme, or you may prefer to take more time to practice, gain experience, plan, and budget etc. and complete the remainder of your coach education and your mentor coaching element later on. We are very happy to assist you in finding a timeline that suits you!

Step Component Approximate Timeline
1 Coaching Education (S&A) 6 months
2 Coaching Education (A&A) 6 months
3 Mentor Coaching (MCG) 4 months
4 Coaching Experience 12 months +
5 Performance Evaluation (ACC) 2 months +
6 ICF Credentialing Exam 0-1 month
TOTAL ~24-36 months

Learn more about the ICF PCC credential pathway.

Please also see our Credentialing Pathways guidance document to help you consider your preferred development timeline.

If you would like to embark upon an initial development pathway and work towards an ICF Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential first, refer to our Level  1 (ACC) Pathway information.

If you already hold an ICF ACC credential and would now like to complete the requirements for an ICF PCC credential application, we refer you to our From ACC to PCC Pathway information.

If you’re not sure about which pathway or programme, let us know and we would be delighted to help find the right pathway for you!

Coaching Education (Level 1): Science & Art of Coaching Programme Content

  • What is the philosophy and definition of coaching and how it differs from other professional ways of working with people?
  • An initial framework for a structured coaching conversation.
  • Introducing essential coaching skills for leaders, managers and internal/external coaches:
    • Listening skills.
    • Thought provoking and forward moving questioning skills.
    • Effective goal setting and visioning leading to clear and committed forward action with accountability.
  • Daily coaching practice with ACC+ level feedback.
  • Daily demonstrations of coaching at ACC/PCC+ level.
  • Daily exercises to explore the ICF Core Competencies at ACC+ level.
  • Daily exercise to explore the use of models and theories taught in coaching practice
  • Developing rapport and building the coach-client relationship.
  • Transactional and transformational coaching.
  • Deeper questioning skills to expand and explore thinking, perspectives and possibilities.
  • Advanced listening skills using all of the senses.
  • Identifying and exploring limiting and empowering beliefs.
  • Professional and ethical practices including organisational contracting.
  • Module includes demonstrations of coaching plus plenty of practice opportunities with feedback.
  • Daily coaching practice with ACC+ level feedback.
  • Daily demonstrations of coaching at ACC/PCC+ level.
  • Daily exercises to explore the ICF Core Competencies at ACC+ level.
  • Daily exercise to explore the use of models and theories taught in coaching practice
  • Neuroscience and coaching.
  • Psychological models to enhance understanding of how human behaviour impacts performance.
  • Using intuition as an effective coaching tool.
  • The place of feedback in coaching.
  • Accessing and leveraging client’s learning.
  • The coach-client partnership.
  • Structuring and developing your coaching practice.
  • Developing the coach as well as the client.
  • Practical ways to use coaching skills in the organisation.
  • Daily coaching practice with ACC+ level feedback.
  • Daily demonstrations of coaching at ACC/PCC+ level.
  • Daily exercises to explore the ICF Core Competencies at ACC+ level.
  • Daily exercise to explore the use of models and theories taught in coaching practice

Coaching Education (Level 2): Art & Alchemy of Coaching Programme Content

The first module is an advanced exploration and practice of the ICF Core Competencies that enables you to be confident of your coaching skills at the ICF Gold Standard Professional Certified Coach level. You will enriching your coaching practice through deeper exploration of the work the client needs to do in order to enable them to enhance their own learning, self-awareness and development.

Curriculum includes:

  • Deep Dive on ICF Core Competencies 3, 6, and 7.
  • Listening for the person through language (minimising, metaprograms, language and preferences, language and biases/filters, the 4th Level of Listening).
  • Exploration of the fullness and richness of contracting, levels of contracting, partnering in contracting.
  • Partnering for psychological equality and a client-centred relationship.
  • Styles of intervention.
  • Use of challenge.
  • Reframing perspectives and perceptual positions.
  • Daily coaching practice with PCC+ level feedback.
  • Daily demonstrations of coaching at PCC+ level.
  • Daily exercises to explore the ICF Core Competencies at PCC+ level.
  • Daily exercise to explore the use of models and theories taught in coaching practice.

This module highlights the importance of the being of the coach in terms of your mindset, ongoing personal and professional development and coaching presence to underpin the professionalism and quality of your coaching practice. It focusses on coaching the person when working with clients and establishing the conditions for effective coaching practice through the deep trust and safety that is enabled through partnering.

Curriculum includes:

  • Deep dive on ICF Core Competencies 1, 2, 4 and 5.
  • Cultivating trust and safety.
  • Time to think.
  • The relevance of client context.
  • Openness and transparency (navigating boundaries).
  • Working with strong emotions and managing our own emotions.
  • Embodying a coaching mindset.
  • Being into doing.
  • Silence is truly golden.
  • Ethical matters.
  • Deepening the “Being”.
  • Daily coaching practice with PCC+ level feedback.
  • Daily demonstrations of coaching at PCC+ level.
  • Daily exercises to explore the ICF Core Competencies at PCC+ level.
  • Daily exercise to explore the use of models and theories taught in coaching practice

The final module integrates the doing and the being of coaching into a natural, creative and transformative conversation that leads to client growth. You will transition from being a competent technical practitioner to an Alchemist—displaying artistry as you work with your clients in the dance of coaching.

Curriculum includes:

  • Deep dive on ICF Core Competency 8.
  • Transactional vs. transformational coaching.
  • Topic vs. person.
  • Working with the whole person.
  • From steps and actions to growth and potential.
  • How am I an artist when I coach?
  • What does alchemy now mean for me in my coaching practice?
  • Integration exercises.
  • Daily coaching practice with PCC+ level feedback.
  • Daily demonstrations of coaching at PCC+ level.
  • Daily exercises to explore the ICF Core Competencies at PCC+ level.
  • Daily exercise to explore the use of models and theories taught in coaching practice.
  • And more!

Mentor Coaching: Mentor Coaching Group Programme Content

The purpose of Mentor Coaching is primarily to deepen your understanding and demonstration of the ICF Core Competencies and therefore your skills and confidence as a practicing coach.

Our Mentor Coaching Group programme has four simple steps:

  1. Individual programme preparation (1.5 hours)
  2. Four x two-hour online Group Mentor Coaching sessions (8 hours)
  3. Three hours of 1-1 Mentor Coaching sessions (3 hours)
  4. Peer coaching sessions in-between each online session focussing on specific ICF Core Competencies as the programme progresses (6 hours)

This programme fulfils the 10 hours of coach mentoring required for your ICF ACC/PCC Credential application or ACC credential renewal.

The programme takes approximately 4-months to complete and typically runs twice each year (Spring and Autumn) and you can see details of our schedule in the schedule tab.

Programme Schedule

Our Level 2 programming comprises:

  • The Science and Art of Coaching (ACC Diploma Programme)
  • The Art and Alchemy of Coaching (PCC Intermediate Diploma Programme)

Based upon your preferred development timeline, you can complete the PCC Intermediate Diploma following straight after the ACC Diploma programme, or choose to have a gap in between the two. We will be pleased to assist you in finding the a timeline that suits you. The following schedule shows the details for both programmes in 2025. We update our schedule regularly, however please contact us directly for details of programmes beyond the timeline shown below.

Coaching Education: ACC Diploma Programme: Science & Art of Coaching Schedule:

Spring 2026: Live Online:

Module 1: Foundational Skills

  • Kick-off Session: 26 February 2026, 10am – 11am (London time)
  • Virtual Workshops: 5, 6, & 9 March 2026, 9 am – 5 pm (London time)
  • Practice Session: 27 March 2026, 9.30 am – 12 noon (London time)

Module 2: Going Deeper

  • Virtual Workshops: 16, 17, & 20 April 2026, 9 am – 5 pm (London time)
  • Practice Session: 15 May 2026, 9.30 am – 12 noon (London time)

Module 3: From Science to Art

  • Virtual Workshops: 4, 5, & 8 June 2026, 9 am – 5 pm (London time)
  • Practice/Final Session: 26 June 2026, 9.30 am – 12 noon (London time)

Coaching Education: PCC Intermediate Diploma Programme: Art and Alchemy of Coaching  Schedule

Autumn 2026 Live Online

Module 1:

  • Kick-off Session: 11 September 2026, 10 am – 11 am (London time)
  • Virtual workshops: 17, 18, & 21 September 2026, 9 am – 5 pm (London time)
  • Observed Coaching Practice Session: 9 October 2026, 9 am – 12.30 pm (London time)

Module 2: 

  • Virtual Workshops: 22, 23, & 26 October 2026, 9 am – 5 pm (London time)
  • Observed Coaching Practice Session: 13 November 2026, 9 am – 12.30 pm (London time)

Module 3: 

  • Virtual Workshops: 26, 27, & 30 November 2026, 9 am – 5 pm (London time)
  • Observed Coaching Practice/Final Session: 11 December 2026, 9 am – 12.30 pm (London time)

If you are an organisation wanting to run this programme internally for a group, please contact us directly to discuss further.

Mentor Coaching: Mentor Coaching Group Programme Dates

Our Level 2 Advanced Diploma participants can complete the Mentor Coaching element on a cohort of their choice once they have finished this Coaching Education element. Please see details of the upcoming cohorts of the Mentor Coaching Group Programme here to assist with your planning. We are also very happy to liaise with you on a 1-1 basis to establish the most suitable and convenient development timeline to complete your Level 1 pathway.

Your Investment

The Level 2 package includes:

  • Science and Art of Coaching (ACC Level Coaching Education) (10.5 days of learning in our virtual classroom).
  • Art and Alchemy of Coaching (PCC Level Coaching Education) (10.5 days of learning in our virtual classroom).
  • Access to a coaching Resource Pack and in-depth ICF Core Competency video series (worth £295+).
  • Live Practice Peer Coaching Groups.
  • Complete Mentor Coaching Programme.
  • Performance Evaluation and Certification (at PCC Level).
  • Access to post-programme Coach Advancement Alumni Community with associated alumni benefits.

Registration for our Autumn 2025 cohort will open in April 2025! Sign up below to get the link sent directly to your inbox. Register early for the best price!

Super Early Bird Registration: £7,350 (inc taxes) 6 April – 26 June
Early Bird Registration: £8,350 (inc taxes) 27 June – 30 October
Regular Registration: £9,350 (inc taxes) 31 October – 30 January

Doors close Friday 30 January or once all spots are filled.

We are happy to offer interest-free staged instalment payment plans for self-funded students to help spread the cost across your development timeline. See options on the checkout page.

We value our alumni community. Once you’ve completed a coach training programme with Coach Advancement by Tracy Sinclair, you will unlock a number of exclusive benefits including discounts, coaching clinics, peer coaching, social impact project opportunities and more! Learn more about the ways we continue to support coaches who have trained with us here

“I decided on this programme well before I enrolled. I was full of anticipation of the MAGIC that will transform my coaching practice from just coaching to mega-coaching. My anticipation was surpassed by the time we got to the end of the programme. I am now super equipped to continue my coaching practice.”

Ofufemi Odelusi
“This course has truly transformed my approach to coaching. The instructors are exceptional, and the content is not only engaging and practical but also deeply enriching. More than just a course, it’s a powerful human experience where I grew both personally and professionally. The intimate class size made the learning even more impactful, creating a space for deeper connections and growth and enabling more observed practices. If you’re pursuing PCC accreditation or simply aiming to become a better coach for your clients, I highly recommend this course.”
Caroline Beau, Professional & Life Coach
ICF-Accredited Coaching Education Level 2

I’m interested in the Level 2 Intermediate Diploma programme!

Have questions? Not sure which pathway is right for you?

Let us know! We’d love to help you on your coaching journey.


Jonathan Fearon
Elevating Coaching Expertise
Jonathan Fearon
Andra Tocaciu
Coaching for High Performance
Andra Tocaciu
Femi Odeulsi
Coaching for Agility
Femi Odelusi
Kate Adams
Coaching for Sustainability
Kate Adams
Kate Jennings
Learning the Alchemy of Coaching
Kate Jennings

Your coach development is a journey—not a destination

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