
Coach Development

The Seasons, The Tree, The Client and The Coach


A Beginning to an Ending And then I remember, the tree is shedding her wondrous cloak of many colours So she can conserve her energy, go inwards for some quiet contemplation To then come back and say ‘hello’ later through tiny buds with much potential and growth And joy to come again - new leaves, new buds, pretty blossoms and juicy fruits Yes, indeed, as the leaves fall, it is truly bittersweet An extract from the poem ‘As the Leaves Fall’ by Gillian Gabriel, 2022 As I walked by I called out, 'Good morning Cherry!' Reader, meet Cherry… Cherry, meet ...

The Seasons, The Tree, The Client and The Coach2023-05-06T04:54:16+01:00

Magic happens! How changing limiting beliefs helps clients find their inner resources


I have had clients stuck in their limiting beliefs and assumptions that they and their situations are a certain way, impossible to change. Those beliefs have affected their potential to achieve what they want in life. But coaching has helped them to question whether their beliefs are valid and true. Through coaching sessions, the client often realises that these beliefs and assumptions aren’t true and don’t serve them. Helpful questions include: What evidence do you have that this belief about yourself is true? What evidence do you have that the belief is not true? What is possible when you use ...

Magic happens! How changing limiting beliefs helps clients find their inner resources2023-05-06T04:55:02+01:00

Coaching: A Journey


As coaches, we love our metaphors, so I’m going to take you on a journey. I’m based in London, so let’s make it a journey of several tube stops. Stop 1 – Getting Unstuck One grey morning about a decade ago, I was walking to work and saw some waste collectors load bins into their rubbish truck. I was surprised by the wave of jealousy that washed over me. They knew exactly what they needed to do to have a successful day on the job. For the first time in my professional life, I was feeling stuck. I didn’t know ...

Coaching: A Journey2023-05-11T00:19:28+01:00

A workplace transformed: Coaching brings out the best in every organisation


We are relatively new to the exciting world of coaching. That is, we are relatively new to why and how it should be done. Most businesses these days will talk about having a positive, people-first culture and probably think they are already providing coaching for their employees. But the reality is that to be a proper coach, training is needed. Coaching is becoming a required skill among managers and senior leaders; because of that, employees are feeling that they are supported at the workplace. We have found this ourselves as we promote a supportive environment at Law At Work and ...

A workplace transformed: Coaching brings out the best in every organisation2023-05-06T04:56:20+01:00

Curiouser and curiouser: The adventures of a new coach into the wonderland of transformational coaching


Just like Lewis Carroll’s Alice, curiosity has been my constant companion as I move deeper into the ‘wonderland’ of transformational coaching. Curiosity is a fundamental cornerstone of coaching others. More than a state of mind, it manifests as a behaviour demonstrated in our use of powerful questions — how we listen, respond, reframe and then listen again — all core elements of the ICF competency framework. It keeps us humble, allows us to explore and stay open to new possibilities, minimising the possibility of falling prey to assumptions. As Elizabeth Smith noted in her article on curiosity as a superpower, ...

Curiouser and curiouser: The adventures of a new coach into the wonderland of transformational coaching2023-05-06T04:56:45+01:00

When ‘I don’t know’ becomes the most empowering statement imaginable


One of the great premises in professional coaching lies in trusting in the client's potential of achieving new and greater results for themselves. Whether that potential is known or unknown to the client, the coach stands as a true partner in helping that potential come to life. To that end, professional coaches have several tools at their disposal. One of the most important ones is the ability to ask powerful and insightful questions under the assumption that there are no right or wrong, true or false answers where curiosity and intuition pave the way. It is in this exercise to ...

When ‘I don’t know’ becomes the most empowering statement imaginable2023-05-06T04:57:20+01:00

From individuals and organisations to coaches themselves, coaching unlocks the potential of everyone involved


Coaching is a rapidly growing profession that helps individuals and organisations unlock their potential, overcome limiting beliefs, and achieve their goals. The power of coaching lies in its ability to empower individuals to identify their unique strengths, values, and aspirations and develop strategies to reach their full potential. As a coach with many years of experience, I have witnessed firsthand the positive impact coaching can have on individuals' personal and professional lives. One of the most memorable experiences I had was when I worked with a major bank and its employees. Initially, many participants were skeptical about the coaching process, ...

From individuals and organisations to coaches themselves, coaching unlocks the potential of everyone involved2023-05-06T04:52:05+01:00

Potential and Embodiment – What light lies within us?


When ‘exploring potential’ was proposed as the theme for articles to celebrate International Coaching Week, I jumped at the chance to put my experience down on paper. I’ve been driven to support people in reaching their potential for much of my working life. It led me into leadership development as a career in the early 1990s and into coaching more than 15 years ago. It’s the reason I do what I do. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…”  “…And as we let our own light shine… …Our ...

Potential and Embodiment – What light lies within us?2023-05-06T04:47:47+01:00

Join Coach Advancement for International Coaching Week


It’s International Coaching Week! This week we will be sharing inspiring stories around the power of professional coaching. In addition, we’ll be celebrating with a series of special offers for our community. Continue reading to learn more! Sharing Stories of Exploring Potential This year’s theme from the International Coaching Federation is ‘Explore Your Potential,’ and we have asked our valued alumni community to share stories pertaining to that theme. We will also release a special Coaching in Conversation podcast episode exploring this theme with alumni member Kate Wendleboe. We are excited to share testimonies from our alumni coaches about the impact ...

Join Coach Advancement for International Coaching Week2023-05-06T05:03:02+01:00

Let’s Get Out of the Comfort Zone!


We’ve probably all heard the term “growing pains” before, often used to describe the aching that children and young people have in their legs as their muscles accelerate rapidly is size and strength as part of their natural development process. As adults we might also feel muscular discomfort after a workout, as our muscles repair and get bigger and stronger. There’s “no gain without pain” is another commonly used term, and so we seem to know on some level that gain, growth, strength etc. can come with an element of pain or discomfort. However, at the same time, it is ...

Let’s Get Out of the Comfort Zone!2023-05-02T19:07:14+01:00
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