Alumni Benefits

We value our alumni community. Here are a few of the ways we continue to support coaches who have trained with us:

  • Free Quarterly Coaching Clinics – to connect, network, share resources, exchange ideas and participate in coaching, mentor coaching and/or supervision style conversations.

  • Participation in Coaching with Conscience projects – make a contribution to social impact projects, gain coaching experience and build coaching logs with meaningful coaching opportunities.

  • Alumni LinkedIn Group – network, share, ask, support others, engage, converse, commune and converge.

  • Coaching Circle – an opportunity to connect with other coaches to peer coach for practice and feedback purposes as part of ongoing skills development.

  • Discounts – to recognize the trust and loyalty we are given when a coach comes back to use for further study and development, we offer discounts on subsequence programme bookings.

  • Monthly Newsletter – to share updates, events and reflections as well as a coaching-related blog

  • Book Club – to connect with others, share perspectives and insights from a chosen book and to cultivate our continuing learning and professional development in a supportive environment with colleagues.

  • Friends and Family – sharing with our colleagues in the community opportunities for pro-bono or reduced fee coaching for family and friends who want coaching but are “too close to us” to coach ourselves.

  • Guest Blogger– inviting members of our Coach Advancement Alumni Community to write a guest blog, showcasing them and the work they are doing in our field with coaching.

  • Free Quarterly Business Development Clinics – for graduates from our Coach Advancement Business Development for Coaches programmes to connect, network, exchange, share and support each other as our businesses continue to develop – together we grow!

Alumni receive emails with details for these exclusive benefits. If you are an alumni and have unsubscribed or have not received emails about alumni benefits, please reach out to

Coach Advancement Alumni Map

We have alumni located in 37 countries!


Andra Tocaciu
Coaching for High Performance
Andra Tocaciu
Coaching for Agility
Femi Odelusi
Kate Adams, Coach Advancement Alumni
Coaching for Sustainability
Kate Adams
Kate Jennings
Learning the Alchemy of Coaching
Kate Jennings



Mentor Coach Training

We equip experienced ICF Credentialed Coaches to provide professional Mentor Coaching for ICF Credentialing. Participants must hold a minimum of a PCC ICF Credential.