Coaching with Conscience

Changing the world … one conversation at a time.

Coaching with Conscience (CWC) specialises in offering high-quality coaching and coaching related services in support of positive social impact and social progress. CWC exists to have a positive impact on society and our environment through coaching.

If you are a charity or not-for-profit organisation, we can provide you with a full range of professional services with fee structures that are accessible to you. We also liaise with various institutions and organisations to seek and raise funds so that we can offer some of our services on a pro bono basis wherever possible.

If you are an organisation in the for-profit or corporate sector, we work closely with you to use coaching as a powerful and valuable tool to meaningfully meet your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Help us make a tangible difference! If you would like to offer financial support for a social impact coaching related project, either through a donation or via your CSR budget, please get in touch, so that we can work together and make something really meaningful happen.

Whether you would like to benefit from or support a social impact coaching project, we would love to have a conversation about how we can partner with you to make the world a better place to live, work and be!

hours of social impact coaching
coaching packages provided
individuals requested coaching
“The coaching has had a lasting impact on me, our time together has been incredibly valuable to both my personal and professional development. Our sessions were led with openness which led me to be able to create invaluable processes/mechanisms for handling my areas of concern, which has led to an increase in my confidence and positive mindset.”
Natasha Beeson, The Access Project, CWC Coachee

“… I found it a hugely helpful process … After only six sessions some of the changes that I wanted to support are in process. While I might have got there in the end, it would have taken much, much longer. Mary’s clarity of thought and ability to present a different view, helped me see how some of my behaviours were getting in the way.”

Jane van Zyl FRSA, CEO, Working Families
“I was able to make connections that years of growth and using other approaches had not unearthed.”
Pro Bono Coaching Recipient

“I feel I am now able to shine through connecting with my core values, and the sense of who I am, and how I can best contribute to my organisation but also to others in my life and to myself.”

Pro Bono Coaching Recipient

“Coaching has changed me as a person. It has already improved my mental well-being and I believe the work we have done will protect my mental wellbeing moving forward, which is incredible.”

Pro Bono Coaching Recipient
“The Coaching with Conscience programme has been so helpful and positive for ParalympicsGB and our staff. It has provided access to highly professional coaches for staff at all levels of the organisation, instead of a small number of pre-selected staff. We emphasised that we see coaching as beneficial whatever stage of career a person is at and as a result, staff across a wide range of teams, seniority and experience have improved their skills and confidence. It has also resulted in those people feeling worthy of having time and money invested in them, which in turn has proven motivational”.
Adrian Stockman, Director of Finance and Corporate Services at British Paralympics Association

Our Projects

Coaching with Conscience partners with multiple organisations to provide coaching services. In addition to the partners listed below, we continue to provide support to Mind employees through the Coaching For You initiative. Learn more in the Case Studies below.

The Access Project

Talent is everywhere, but opportunity is not. Access to education in the UK is profoundly unequal. According to The Sutton Trust, students from the most under-resourced backgrounds are three times less likely to attend university than their more advantaged peers. The Access Project’s vision is to level the playing field and help the country’s most under-resourced young people place at top universities, giving them the best chance at achieving social mobility. This initiative has helped over 10,000 young people achieve their dreams since 2008. This has been achieved through a programme of tuition, coaching and in-school mentoring. The Access Project works with the young people to make strong applications, get the grades and transition to university.

In 2024, Coaching with Conscience has supported The Access Project with coaching packages for 11 members of their leadership team.


Earth’s climate is changing, and so must we. Novara supports coastal communities to become climate safe. The Novara One Planet Project supports at-risk coastal communities to become climate safe. Novara does this through community-based research, education and adaptation planning that helps communities secure funding, take action, and tell their stories through art, film and social and new media.

Their main platform is the sailing vessel Novara. Aboard Novara, the crew will be sailing to some of the world’s most remote coastlines to document the state of climate-compounded coastal hazard risk.

Novara’s goal is to reach 50 communities and help them on their journey to become climate safe by 2025.

Novara will be partnering with Coaching with Conscience later in 2024.

British Paralympics Association

In 2024, Coaching with Conscience will be partnering with The British Paralympic Association (BPA) for the second year. BPA understands the importance of supporting and developing their people and BPA staff will be benefiting from a package of four (4) hours of coaching spread over a period of six (6) months. BPA is the National Paralympic Committee (NPC) for Great Britain. It is their responsibility to select, prepare, enter, fund and manage the Great Britain and Northern Ireland team at the Paralympic Games. This team is known as ParalympicsGB. BPA also has the mission to raise their ambitions as a world-leading Paralympic team as a force for change for disabled people across the United Kingdom. We are excited about this partnership and the potential ripple effects it may have on society. 

See the Case Study below for results from the 2023 initiative.

Working Families

Working Families is the UK’s national charity for working parents and carers. Their mission is to remove the barriers that people with caring responsibilities face in the workplace.

They provide free legal advice to parents and carers on their rights at work. They give employers the tools they need to support their people while creating a flexible, high-performing workforce. And they advocate on behalf of the UK’s 17.5 million working parents and carers, influencing policy through campaigns informed by ground-breaking research.

Coaching With Conscience has delivered six 60-minute coaching sessions to Working Families so far, with more planned in the future.

Climb Like a Woman (CLAW)

CLAW is a women led Indian-based organisation that aims to create a positive space through the means of rock climbing where women can learn, grow, and get inspired in an unbiased and encouraging environment.

As advocates of diversity, inclusivity, freedom and confidence, their goal is to help women recognise their own strengths, realise their potential and support women to break their barriers through rock climbing.

In 2024, Coaching with Conscience will be offering six (6) 60-minute coaching sessions spread over six months to CLAW.

Khulisa supports young people and the adults around them. They deliver intensive, therapeutic group programmes for young people to explore the root causes of their emotional distress. Khulisa also trains professionals, parents and carers in how to create nurturing, trauma-informed environments for young people. They place wellbeing at the heart of supporting young people, and provide intensive therapeutic support to help them build self-awareness and emotional resilience.
The Bell Foundation

The Bell Foundation work to overcome language barriers for people who speak English as an Additional Language in schools, adult learning settings, and the criminal justice system in the UK.

Vision: Creating opportunity, changing lives, and overcoming disadvantage through language education.

Mission: To achieve the vision, the Foundation work with partners on innovation, research, training and practical interventions. By generating and applying evidence, the Foundation aim to change practice, policy and systems for children, adults and communities in the UK disadvantaged through language.

Find out more

Case Studies

British Paralympic Association Initiative Results

The inagural initiative with the British Paralympic Association (BPA) was a success in that it allowed individuals to find a safe space to work through their emotions and explore their career goals.

Review the findings and experiences in the BPA Case Study below.

Coaching for You Initiative Results

The Coaching with Conscience COVID-19 Initiative was truly successful and had a significant impact on Mind staff, so much so, that the initiative rolled out in 2021 and again in 2022 and 2023. From 2021 onwards, we agreed with Mind to offer their staff, coaching on an annual basis. Coaching with Conscience developed a special annual coaching package for the Mind staff called “Coaching for You”. 

Review the findings and experiences in the Coaching for You Initiative Case Studies below.

COVID-19 Coaching Initiative Results

The first Coaching with Conscience COVID-19 Coaching Initiative was initiated on March 18, 2020 when the enormity of the impact of the coronavirus was becoming clearer. This initiative provided key workers access to a pro bono virtual coaching package from one of our trained volunteer coaches.

The response to our first initiative was overwhelming. We were able to collect data from our first initiative and have compiled the findings and experiences in this Case Study.

Coaching with Conscience Coaches

The work that we do and the impact we make through the Coaching with Conscience initiative would not be possible without our incredible coaches.

Mary Farebrother, PCC
Mary Farebrother, PCC
Gillian Gabriel, ACC
Gillian Gabriel, ACC
Anna Hiett, ACC
Anna Hiett, ACC
Dr. Milena Keskin, MCC
Dr. Milena Keskin, MCC
Lara Langman, PCC
Lara Langman, PCC
Debroah Moore, ACC
Debroah Moore, ACC
Jo Pollard, ACC
Jo Pollard, ACC

Apply for Social Impact Coaching

If your organisation is interested in receiving high quality coaching and coaching related services in service of positive social impact and social progress, we invite you to fill out the form below and to have an exploratory conversation with us.

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