Lesley Cave, PCC
Lesley Cave, PCC is a team coach and team coaching programme facilitator with Coach Advancement.
Lesley is a coach, team coach, mentor coach for credentialing, coach supervisor, coach trainer, action learning set trainer, facilitator, and educator, devoting her time to individuals and teams at all levels within organisations.
The breadth of Lesley’s experience is characterised by a tripartite of coaching skills, education and non-executive/trustee roles. Lesley has been coaching professionally since 2010. Lesley is pragmatic, determined and astute in her work!
In that time, she has been immersed in multi-faceted health systems, such as NHS England, Public Health England and the various commissioning and specialised commissioning boards for health and justice. Working across the whole integrated care system, Lesley works with clients from Primary Care Networks, Acute Hospitals, Ambulance Services, Mental Health Trusts, Hospitals, Community Trusts, Prison Health, and Hospices, working with clinical and non-clinical senior and executive leaders.
Her corporate work sees her engaged with a global firm devoted to ecological transformation through decarbonisation, depollution, and resource generation programmes. Further she works with individuals and teams of clients handling insurance claims across Aquaculture, Equine & Livestock ;Architects & Engineers; Aviation & Aerospace; Construction; Consumer Goods & Services; Entertainment & Leisure; Financial Services; Healthcare & Life Sciences; Technology; Transportation. Her career coaching with London Business School devotes time to individual leaders and groups of leaders from across the world in finance, investment banking, equity management, consultancy, and IT to name just a few.
Lesley’s Not-for-Profit work supports Children’s Hospices across the East of England, the charity TeachFirst and its corporate partners. As well as smaller charities across Leicestershire such as the CVS and LASS. In addition to this Lesley gifts time to local charities close to her heart.
Her clients bring so much of life and business to the work, she welcomes their diversity and their contexts, their complexities and growth enquiries in all senses.