Fay Manvell, PCC
Fay Manvell, PCC is a coach with Coach Advancement.
Fay is deeply passionate about empowering leaders to unlock their true potential through coaching, particularly executives in career transition and senior leaders on executive talent succession. Her desire is to support leaders as to make decisions that are grounded in integrity, morality and high ethical standing — for the good of their people, organisation, climate and wider systems. With more than two decades of experience working in the banking industry, she understands the challenges of adapting to systemic change at pace.
Since becoming an executive coach in 2015, Fay has committed to her ongoing professional development and deepening of expertise through achieving ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC) status, extensive coach training, qualifying as a Coach Supervisor, Mentor Coach for ICF, and gaining certification in Leadership Circle profiling, a comprehensive leadership development and 360 feedback tool.
Fay’s coaching approach aligns to current research that “connection” and “compassion” are essential qualities for all leaders to foster, particularly now in times of unprecedented uncertainty. Transformation doesn’t just come from “thinking” about things differently but also perceiving and connecting in new ways. Together, you will cultivate a coaching relationship based on deep trust and understanding to allow impactful and sustainable change to emerge. Fay will hold a safe space for you, supporting you to challenge your own thinking and “ways of being” through curiosity and exploration.